Add a Website to Concurra
Adding a website to Concurra is a simple process. From the "All Websites" view, click "Add a Website" in the upper right hand corner, and you will be brought to the "Add a Website" view.
Add a Website
Fill out the website's basic details including the website name, website protocol (if your website supports both "http" and "https", select "https"), and the rest of the website URL. You can change the protocol from "HTTPS" to "HTTP" by clicking the "Allow Unsecure" checkbox and selecting the "HTTP" protocol. Warning: For the best and safest Concurra experience and for the security of your website visitors, it is recommended that you secure your site using HTTPS.
Select a Plan
Select a plan that best fits the needs of your business.
If you select a free plan, you can continue to add the website and will be taken to the installation instructions view as long as you still have free website slots available. If you do not have free website slots available, you will receive an error, and you will have to upgrade to at least the lowest paid plan in order to add additional websites.
If you select a paid plan and do not have a saved or primary payment method, you will be prompted to enter your payment details in the dialog below the select plan page. Once entered, you can click "Save and Submit Payment" to advance to the installation instructions view for your new website.
If you select a paid plan and you already have a saved and primary payment method, you can simply click "Save and Submit Payment" to advance to the installation instructions view for your new website.