Goals Overview
Goals in Concurra represent overarching objectives for your website with the aim of collecting metrics across multiple pages and elements to syndicate into comprehensive reports. Goals are made up of targets, which are individual elements that may appear on a single page, a single experiment, or multiple pages.
Also associated with the goal are details like a goal name, (e.g.s Contact Inquries, Donations, etc.), and a description that can be used to further explain the purpose of the goal.
You can access goals by launching the website you are currently working in, expanding the "Goals" menu on the left hand menu and selecting "All Goals". You can sort goals by goal name, type, status, the number of targets, and the number of conversions.
Goal Scope
Goals have two scopes:
Site Wide
When a goal is not restricted to just a single experiment, it is considered "Site Wide". Site Wide goals are goals you want to track that may appear on one or multiple pages independent of whether or not that particular page is in an experiment. -
Experiment goals are restricted to the experiment in which they were created. Experiment goals are only tracked for the length of the experiment and are not factored into other goal or page analytics. This allows you to set goals on a per experiment basis while not affecting data in other parts of Concurra.
Use goal scope carefully! When defining critical goals for your website's metrics that you want continually collected, you'll want to use the "Site Wide" scope. For goals that are only being tracked from within an experiment, use the "Experiment" scope.
Introduction to Targets
Targets are individual elements on a page that are tracked by Concurra such as calls to action, navigational elements, or other critical objectives you want users to complete on a page. Targets are always registered as an item the user can click on such as buttons, anchors, or navigation. You can set targets from within the Pages module or in the Experiments module.
Targets are comprised of a name, (e.g. Contact Us, Donate Button, etc.), a CSS selector path to the element, a type (either click or landing), and, depending on scope, a URL or experiment the target is associated with. In the case of a site wide scoped goal, the URL is able to be replaced by a regular expression that can be used to define that target on multiple or all pages within your website.
For more information on how targets work, please review our deeper analysis of targets presented in this documentation.