
When accessing the results tab, the first interactive chart that appears on the top page is your full overview of experiment results. This interactive chart provides insight in three different categories: participants, new visitors, and repeat visitors. The graph allows you to interact and analyze the number of participants, new visitors, and repeat visitors on a daily basis.

Below the overview chart, there are five metrics: participants, new visitors to site, repeat visitors to site, goal conversions, and conversion rate. Participants are how many people visited a page of the experiment that you are in. Of those participants, you will see the numbers of how many of those are new visitors to the site and how many a repeat visitors. Goal conversions share the number os successfully converted goals. The conversion rate column provides the percentage of goal conversions to the overall number of participants.

Individual Goal Results

Below the main overview chart you will see the individual results for the goals of your experiment. You may have only one goal result or many depending on how many goals you set for an experiment. Each individual goal provides an interactive chart that displays how your control is comparing to the variations that you set. Below the interactive chart you will see five columns providing more detail about the graph above them. The columns are: variation type, participants, conversions, conversion rate, and improvement. The variation column shares how many variations you have and the variation names applied to them. The participants column shares the number of participants that engaged with that specific variation.

The conversions column provides the same insight as participants but based on conversions. The conversation rate column provides the percentage of visitor conversions for each variation. The final column is improvement, this column shares what variation has improved versus other variations. The improvement metrics are displayed in the form of multiples (2.0x increase, 3.0x increase, 3.15x increase, etc).


You can filter information on this view by using the filtering options in the top right of the interface. You can filter by:

  1. Date
    Click the date selection dialog in the top right of the interface. The date selection dialog will open revealing two calendars. You can select any date range using the pair of calendars displayed, and you can adjust the months using the arrows to the right and left above the calendars. You can also select from predefined date ranges by selecting the previous "Week", "Month," or "Year" options from the bottom left of the dialog. Once you are finished, click "Apply" to apply your date ranges and reload the data on the graphs.
  2. IP Address Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "IP Address" from the first select. You will then be able to enter an IP address into the value field. This will show only sessions that have originated from that particular IP Address. Click "Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  3. Browser
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Browser" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to a particular browser by selecting the browser you want to target. This will adjust to show visitors only using that particular browser. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  4. Operating System
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Operating System" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to a particular operating system by selecting the operating system you want to target. This will adjust to show visitors only using that particular operating system. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  5. Page Count Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Page Count" from the first select. You will then be able to set the operator between "Greater Than", "Less Than", "Greater Than or Equal To", or Less than or Equal To". You can then set the number of pages visited. This will filter to show visitors who have only visited the number of pages set in your criteria. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  6. New Visitors
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "New Visitors" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to "True" or "False". True will show data only for new visitors. False will show data only for those who are not new, and thus returning, visitors.Click "Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  7. Device
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Device" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to "Desktop, "Tablet", or "Mobile," which will adjust to show visitors only on the selected device. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  8. Country
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Country" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to a particular country which will adjust to show visitors only in that particular country. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  9. Language
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Language" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to a particular language by selecting the language you would like to see statistics for. This will adjust to show visitors who have their browsers set to that language. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  10. Referrer
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Referrer" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to a particular referrer by typing in the referrer URI you want to target. This will adjust to show visitors only coming from that particular referrer. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  11. Page
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select "Page" from the first select. You will then be able to set the value to a particular page by typing in the page you want to target or selecting one from the dropdown. This will adjust to show only statistics for people who have visited that page. Click"Apply Filter" to apply the filter and reload the data on the graphs.
  12. URL Parameter
    Click the filter button in the top right of the interface. The filter dialog will open revealing a selection of filters. Select any one of your custom URL parameters which. You will then be able to set the value to a particular parameter value by typing in the parameter value you want to target. This will adjust to show visitors who only arrived at your site using that particular URL parameter value. You can also leave the value blank and retrieve all users that arrived at your site using a particular parameter.